BoiE Ozonated Water

Green Technology

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Convert Normal Tap Water into a Super Cleaner!

Ozone Water Purifier KitPURIFIER KIT $179

Portable Ozone BidetOZONATED BIDET $199

Home Ozone Spray BottleHOME SPRAY $199

Mist Ozone Spray BottleMIST SPRAY $199

Sink Water OzonatorSINK OZONATOR $229

Pro Ozone Spray BottlePRO SPRAY $399

Ozone Water DispenserOZONE DISPENSER $379

Ozonated Water Generator for LaundryLAUNDRY OZONATOR $749

Water Ozonators - Product Overview
The Best Devices for Water Ozonation Applications

Ozonated water can be a safe, effective and economical solution for many sanitary and health-related applications. Ordinary tap water, once ozonated, becomes a powerful on-demand cleaner, sanitizer and deodorizer. Ozonated water is safe to use on food and surfaces, to purify drinking water and even for personal hygiene, all without leaving a residue.

The commercial food industry uses ozonated water to prevent microbial growth on meat cuts, to remove pesticides on fruits and vegetables and to purify bottled water. Ozonated water kills the same germs as other liquid disinfectants like chlorine, but doesn't leave a lingering odor or chemical residue. That's because ozone's sole ingredient is oxygen in a slightly different configuration. Ozonated water's advantage is that ozone reverts to normal oxygen, leaving no trace behind.

Turns water into a powerful all-in-one cleaner, deodorizer and sanitizer, then into purified water!

ozone molecule

1. Oxygen in water changes to ozone
2. Ozone removes the contamination
3. Ozone changes back into oxygen

Our mission is to make ozone super easy to use, whether for household cleaning, sanitizing meats or fruits and vegetables, purifying drinking water or to use in place of mouthwash or soap. Ozone can do it all with the help of water and a small amount of electrical power. Water ozonation is cleaner and greener than any other chemical surface disinfectant, and safe to use on food or to purify drinking water.

Advantages of BoiE's Ozone Cleaning Technology

Runs automatically and silently.
Continuously maintains ozone levels 24-7
Always ready to use.
No moving parts or internal batteries to wear out.
No ozone health or safety concerns.

It's your turn to take the next step. Buying an ozonated water cleaning system is economical and safe for your family including children and pets. It's an all natural cleaner that removes odors and eliminates up to 99.99% of germs. And it comes with an unlimited supply of free refills! Perfect for a home, business, or travel. Ozonated water is environmentally friendly, no disposable wipes or single-use plastic. Welcome to a new way of doing clean!

What Our Customers Say

Product Purchased: Ozone Spray
What other cleaner is safe to drink?
I'm impressed! It's all natural and food-safe so I can spray it to clean meat, fruits and vegetables! What other cleaner can do that? I was hesitant at first until I tried it, much easier than cleaning food with baking soda. I put fruits and vegetables in a colander and spray them on all sides. The ozone spray removes dirt, pesticides, wax, germs and bacteria and it's clean and safe to eat, no rinsing needed. What other cleaner does that?

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